Visual language. Horn, R. E. (1998). MacroVu, Inc.

in·for·ma·tion graph·ic /n/
Moderately sized, meaningful combination of words, images, and shapes that together constitute a complete communication unit. Visual and verbal elements are tightly integrated. Is as self-contained as possible on 1 or 2 pages or on a large screen. Usually contains considerably more information than a concept diagram, although an information graphic may use any of the types of concept diagrams as its central visual element. Usually contains several blocks of text. Abbr. infographic.

The entire book is an exposition of the morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of visual language through the use of numerous infographics.

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Tufte, E. R. (1983). Graphics Press.

Principles of Graphic Excellence – p. 51 – 4 principles

Principles of Graphic Integrity – p. 77 – 6 principles

Theory of Data Graphics – p. 105 – 5 principles

Data Density and Small Multiples – p. 175 – 10 principles

Aesthetics and Technique in Data Graphical Design – pp. 177, 183 – 7 principles, 8 differences between friendly and unfriendly graphics

Visual Explanations, Tufte, E. R. (1997). Graphics Press.

Visual and Statistical Thinking – p. 53

Multiples in Space and Times – p. 105 – 5 principles

Visual Confections: Juxtapositions from the Ocean of the Streams of Story – p. 121

Beautiful Evidence, Tufte, E. R. (2006). Graphics Press.

Mapped Pictures – p. 45 – definitions and 3 principles

Links and Causal Arrows – pp. 78-79 – definitions and 5 principles

Principles of Analytical Design – pp. 127-136 – 6 principles