
Many technical experts spend their entire careers in one or two technical areas. I like learning new things and I like a challenge, so I have changed my area of expertise several times. I have a broad background in a number of areas of computer science, including cyber-security, compilers, programming tools, parallel computing, machine learning, natural language processing, human-computer interaction, and software engineering.

Since I have not spent my entire career in one area, I have had to learn to be a quick study. To you, this means that I can spend less time learning the details of your products or services. It also means that I bring a broader frame of reference from which to draw examples or analogies.


I interact easily with technical experts. Why? Because, when I’m not a B2B copywriter or a project manager, I AM a technical expert. I have repeatedly moved between being a manager, an engineer, and a writer during my career.

To you, this means that I can work more effectively with your internal experts in identifying features and benefits that should be explained in your marketing content. It also means that I can more easily put myself in the position of the potential client who will be reading your content, making the content more effective.


I have demonstrated creativity and a multi-disciplinary approach to explaining complex technical subjects. For example, one of my books teaches debugging to computer science students by using the thought processes of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes and Lord Peter Wimsey. To you, this means that I can break through the cacophony of competing media voices with something fresh that will get the attention of your potential clients.

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